Working in Germany: Five steps for skilled workers

Who is “Make it in Germany” aimed at?

I want to work and pursue a career in Germany – but how do I get to the country and where do I find a job? The multilingual internet platform “Make it in Germany” is the entry portal for skilled workers, researchers, founders and prospective students from abroad. It brings together a wealth of information and services for everyone who wants to study or work in Germany as well as for companies that are interested in employing international skilled workers.

The portal guides applicants through five steps to working in Germany: from job hunting and visa formalities to moving and settling in Germany and bringing the family with them.

What information can professionals find there?

The portal contains a wealth of information on visa formalities, recognition of professional qualifications, the job market, applications and employment contracts, business etiquette, starting a business, dual training, studies and research, language courses and integration. It also offers tips and addresses for everyday life in Germany – from registering with authorities to finding a kindergarten and renting an apartment.

What interactive services does “Make it in Germany” offer?

  • Quick check for applicants
  • Overview of contact persons in the home country
  • Popular professions and sectors
  • Recognition of professional qualifications
  • Job Market
  • Individual advice via email, hotline or chat
  • Explanatory videos on YouTube
  • “Questions & Answers” ​​sessions on Twitter
  • “Make it in Germany” app in German, English and Spanish
  • Download the guide as a PDF
  • Facts and figures about Germany

Who has a chance of finding work in Germany?

The quick check on the homepage allows an initial assessment. The online tool asks about origin, degrees and qualifications. In the next step, interested parties find out under what conditions they can obtain a residence and work permit in Germany and where they can get further advice.

In which professions are skilled workers sought?

In Germany as an industrial location, engineers in all sectors, IT specialists and natural scientists are in demand. As the proportion of older people in the population increases, the need for doctors and nursing staff is also increasing. This is why immigrants with medical and social professions also have very good opportunities on the job market.

Make it in Germany


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