The stocks that gained the most in the crash week

Selling pressure from global stock markets was effective on Borsa Istanbul this week.

BIST 100 index, which was interrupted twice on the first trading day of the week, saw the lowest 9,733.35 and the highest 10,193.88 points throughout the week.

The index closed the week at 9,907.38 points, losing 5.40 percent compared to the previous week's close.

Developments that suppressed global risk appetite, such as concerns that the US could enter a recession, increasing tension and geopolitical risk in the Middle East, and concerns about interest rates and inflation in the country triggered the decline in the stock market.

On the other hand, the biggest daily decline since the Black Monday sales in 1987 on the first day of the week on the Japanese stock market also affected Borsa Istanbul. However, statements from the Japanese authorities that calmed the market supported the continuation of the search for balance.


BIST 100 index, while trying to enter a recovery trend after the sharp sales experienced on Monday, closed with a loss of 1.89 percent at 9,907.38 points on Friday.

Borsa Istanbul Financial Index lost 8.17 percent to 10,789.80 points, Services Index decreased 1.83 percent to 10,904.50 points, Industrial Index lost 4.63 percent to 13,630.44 points and Technology Index lost 5.76 percent to 13,550.15 points.

Analysts, on the other hand, emphasized the importance of closing above the 10,200 level for recovery.

However, he sees 9,875 and 9,640 levels as new support levels for the stock market, which closed below 10,000 points on Friday.


Among the stocks included in the BIST 100 index in Borsa Istanbul, Katılımevim Savings Finance Inc. rose the most this week with 22.95 percent.

Katılımevim Savings Financing Inc. was followed by Batıçim Batı Anadolu Çimento with 4.73 percent and Turkish Airlines with 3.52 percent.

Among the stocks in question, the ones that lost the most value were Kontrolmatik Technology with 15.97 percent, Yapı ve Kredi Bankası with 12.69 percent and Türkiye İş Bankası (C) with 12.45 percent.

The most valuable companies whose shares are traded on Borsa Istanbul are Koç Holding with 471 billion 423 million 447 thousand liras, Garanti BBVA with 464 billion 520 million liras and Turkish Airlines with 416 billion 415 million liras.

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