TCMB reserves increased last week
The increase in the Central Bank (CBRT) reserves continues due to the effect of high interest rates.
Gross reserves increased by $2.4 billion last week to $150.4 billion.
The bank's net reserves increased by $3.8 billion during this period, reaching $51.4 billion. Net reserves excluding swaps increased by $4.1 billion, reaching $28.5 billion.
On the other hand, the volume of currency protected deposits (CCD) decreased rapidly by 67.6 billion TL last week and fell to 1 trillion 764 billion dollars.
The foreign currency deposit volume of domestic residents increased by $291 million in nominal terms last week to $165.5 billion, while it decreased by $1.1 billion in data adjusted for parity effects. The decrease in this item was $137 million for individuals and $1 billion for corporate entities.