Suffering from water retention? Discover the miracle fruit recommended by a nutritionist

What food should you eat when you are prone to bloating? We have the answer! Discover the power of a fruit that reduces water retention and bloating! Nutritionist Alexandra Murcier gives you her opinion!

Looking for the solution to refine your figure this summer? Nutritionist Alexandra Murcier presents a low-calorie ally to include in your meals for a balanced diet! Here is a fruit that can help you reduce swelling and water retention.

Melon, a low-calorie fruit rich in potassium

Composed of 90% water, melon is a particularly refreshing and hydrating fruit. That’s why we love it in the summer! Another positive point? It can be a real ally in the context of a balanced slimming diet. Indeed, it is a food with a low energy density, which means that it provides few calories in relation to its volume. This amounts to an average of 35 kcal per 100 g.

Another benefit mentioned by the nutritionist? “Like kiwi, banana, spinach, artichokes or zucchini, melon is rich in potassium. It therefore prevents swelling and water retention.”. Furthermore, like other fruits, melon has a high fiber content, which helps the intestines function properly.

Which should not be abused!

Despite its two major advantages, melon remains a fruit with a high glycemic index, with a sugar content generally around 10 to 12%. Alexandra Murcier therefore recommends “do not consume more than a quarter of a melon per day, which corresponds to a portion of fruit, and supplement your fruit intake with other varieties”.

Another potential disadvantage? “This fruit contains FODMAPs, fermentable sugars that can cause digestive problems.”. The nutritionist then recommends “to consume it preferably as a starter or outside of meals to avoid this type of unpleasantness”. As you will have understood, this food can help you reduce swelling provided that it is consumed in the recommended dose and as part of a balanced diet!

NO to diets, YES to WW!

On the practical side, in order to select your melon well, observe the tail of the fruit (peduncle). If it begins to detach, the melon in question should be perfectly ripe! Other indications: it must be heavy and have a good smell especially at the level of the peduncle. “Regarding storage, avoid leaving it in the refrigerator as it could lose its taste.” confides Alexandra Murcier. “Eat it within 2-3 days of purchase!” she adds.

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