Consumer protection successful: Gas and electricity customers get their money back | Life & Knowledge
Stop ripping off customers!
Customers of Primastrom, Voxenergie and Nowenergy have long been annoyed by arbitrary price increases and inadmissible contract conditions. According to the Federal Consumer Center Association (vzbv) often lacked consumer approval.
► Even cancellations and terminations submitted on time were not accepted by the providers. As a result, those affected remained bound to their contracts and had to pay excessive prices. Consumer protection agencies intervened.
Financial relief for customers
The vzbv has reached an out-of-court settlement with the Primaholding group of companies, which is behind the providers.
This comparison allows customers to exit their contracts immediately or earlier than planned. Cheaper tariffs are available retroactively if cancellations have been rejected. Customers can now also cancel their contracts retrospectively.
► Another point of contention was the long contract periods after termination. Some terminations were not due to take effect until 2027. Now customers can cancel no later than two years after the start of the contract and benefit from cheaper prices after termination.
However, these adjustments must be actively requested from the provider. “And even those who cancel now can get better conditions,” advises the vzbv.
The third point of the agreement concerns prices. The providers had announced price reductions, which were, however, still above the market level. The agreement now sets upper limits for the prices of electricity and gas. “This means that labor prices can be significantly reduced retroactively, depending on the situation,” explains the vzbv.
This is what those affected must do now
The consumer advocates emphasize that affected customers must take action themselves in order to benefit from the agreement. They must send an email to their provider and refer to the vzbv's settlement with Primaholding, even if they have already terminated or revoked the new contract terms. The deadline ends on December 31, 2024.