ChatGPT's language bias: Three ways it's leaving non-English speakers behind – BBC News

  • Joe Tidy
  • BBC reporter

Profile photos of Indian entrepreneurs

Image source,Getty Images

image caption:Businesses using Silicon Valley AI in non-English products are at a disadvantage.

Non-English speakers around the world are being left behind because artificial intelligence (AI) systems are biased towards English, experts have warned.

AI-generated tools like ChatGPT and Google Bard are bringing new skills and business ideas to millions of people, but they also have the potential to leave many more vulnerable.

In the past few months, companies, often backed by the government, have raced to launch or begin building AI for their native languages, including Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and multiple languages ​​in India.

But can they rival Silicon Valley’s AI robots, or offer a credible alternative?

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