Adult education centers are losing a dramatic number of course participants – Education
The number of registrations at German adult education centers has steadily declined during the Corona years. While there were more than eight million course registrations in the pre-Corona year of 2019, the number fell to around 4.5 million in 2020 and to just under three million in 2021, according to a spokeswoman for the German Adult Education Association. Although there are no valid figures for 2022 yet, the pre-crisis level is still a long way from being reached.
One reason: At some adult education centers, there are still precautions that are not mandatory, but which may no longer be implemented in other areas of public life. As an example, the spokeswoman cited distance rules that are still in force in some cases or the recommendation to wear a mask. In addition, there are reservations among participants about meeting in larger groups again, especially since the infection rate is still in waves, said the spokeswoman. The spokeswoman could not give a forecast as to when the 2019 figures could be reached again.
“Where adult education centers have now most likely returned to the pre-Corona registration numbers is in the area of integration courses. This has to do with the influx of refugees from Ukraine.” Since the beginning of the energy crisis, there has recently been a tremendous demand for courses on energy topics.