What muscles does cycling work?

Cycling: Does cycling build muscle?

Cycling is a sport that contributes greatly to the harmonious development of many muscle groups.

It may seem that in cycling, muscle work almost exclusively concerns the lower body, but that is not the case! Cycling requires very good axial tone, namely of the trunk – therefore the abdominals and back muscles – and also strongly engages the muscles of the shoulders and arms. Doctor Colette Nordmann, Sports Health doctor at the French Cycling Federation,

The action of pedaling involves a succession of concentric work (muscle contraction) and eccentric work (extension of the muscle). “This is called a plyometric workwhich implies that the muscles are elastic with the ability to quickly chain flexion and extension” adds the specialist;

Furthermore, cycling, depending on how it is practiced, allows you to use the three energy sectors – aerobic, anaerobic lactic and anaerobic alactic -, which makes it all the more complete for its action on muscle fibers.

It is both an endurance and resistance sport.which involves the commitment of three types of muscle fibers : slow, fast oxidative and fast glycolytic” explains the federal doctor.
THE slow fibers are preferentially, but not exclusively, involved in long-duration, moderate-intensity runs (aerobic effort), the fast fibersoxidative in activities that require both strength and endurance (lactic anaerobic) and finally fast glycolytic fibers in short duration, high intensity activities such as sprinting or hills (anaerobic alactic).
Schematically, slow fibers produce longer musclesWhen Fast fibers make muscles shorter and thicker.
“We therefore build muscle differently depending on the type of cycling we do: track racing, mountain biking, hill climbing, leisure…” concludes Dr. Nordmann.

Does cycling strengthen your glutes?

The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the glutes. And the most powerful in the body ! It is requested during the phase of pedaling thrustAbove all uphill or during sprintsbut on the track, we must not neglect the action of the gluteus medius which stabilizes the pelvis, and the importance of the hamstrings which are located at the back of the thigh.

The glutes are more widely used when the cyclist stands on the pedals, or when doing mountain bike trials, for example. Dr. Nordmann.

Does cycling work your abs?

Cycling requires very good axial tone, namely good abdominal muscles, but also obliques and back muscles.
The abdominals, especially the deep muscles like the transverse abdominis and obliques, help stabilize the core while pedaling. This stabilization is essential for maintaining correct posture and for transferring power from the legs to the pedals efficiently, with minimal energy loss.The better the axial tone, the less energy is lost in the movement.” sums up the federation doctor.
Then, especially when cycling on rough terrain or mountain biking, the abs help maintain balance and absorb shock. They help keep the cyclist's center of gravity stable, which is crucial to avoid falls and injuries.

Is the vastus internus used when cycling?

The vastus medialis – now called vastus medialis – is the main muscle at the front of the thigh and extensor of the knee. It plays an important role in the pedaling motion.
“Nevertheless, it is not the most used of the 4 quadriceps musclesand it is for example less so than the vastus lateralis. Its effectiveness in pedaling depends in particular on the cyclist's morphology, and some will have to work on it outside of cycling sessions using specific exercises for good knee alignment when pedaling. It is then important not to forget to stretch the psoas” indicates Dr. Nordmann.

Does the exercise bike help you lose belly fat?

Weight loss occurs at the expense of fat mass, whether linked to diet and/or physical activity, and affects the entire body.

The exercise bike, practiced regularly and with a certain intensity, can make you slim and shape your figure but in a uniform way. The weight loss will therefore be distributed over the entire body and not just at the stomach. Dr. Colette Nordmann.

Furthermore, while riding an exercise bike mainly works the lower body, particularly the glutes, thighs and calves, it also requires engagement of the core and back muscles to maintain a stable and balanced posture while pedaling. The abdominal muscles thus help to stabilize the core and transfer power from the legs to the pedals. The abdominal strap is therefore strengthenedand the stomach therefore appears flatter.
Be careful, however, with the model of exercise bike you choose and the position you adopt on it. To engage the abdominal belt especially the transverse abdominis and obliques, it is best to have the torso inclined towards the handlebars and the elbows slightly bent.

Legs: Why do cyclists have big thighs?

You will have surely noticed, the top cyclistseven more so climbers, have very wide thighs. The quadriceps and hamstrings being the muscles most used in cycling, they are even more so among professionals, between daily training and competitions, sprints and hills during which the fast fibers are strongly engaged. Overused muscles hypertrophy and gain volume to adapt to increased demands.

But amateur cyclists can rest assured that a very high level of practice is required to achieve this result. To keep thighs slim and shapelywe favors long outings at a moderate pace (aerobic sector), in order to primarily target the slow fibers.

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