How to Play Spotify Through Microphone

How to Play Spotify Through Microphone

If you want to play your favorite Spotify music through your microphone while chatting or playing games online, you can do it without needing fancy equipment. It’s a funny way to share your music taste during virtual hangouts. Spotify is a cool music app that works on your computer or phone, letting you listen to tons of songs. And guess what? You can use your microphone to share that music with others! No need to spend a lot of money.

Imagine talking to friends, playing games, or having online parties with your favorite tunes in the background. This guide will show you, step by step, How to Play Spotify Through Microphone. It’s like having your own DJ setup, but way simpler. So, follow the easy steps in this guide, and soon you’ll be enjoying your Spotify playlists through your microphone. It’s a cool way to make your online chats and hangouts more fun and personalized.

How to Stream Spotify Through Your Microphone

Step 1:

  1. Open Spotify on your computer.
  2. Click on your account name at the top. It’s usually in the right corner.
  3. Choose “Settings” from the menu that shows up.
  4. Find the “Local Files” section by scrolling down.
  5. Turn on the “Show Local Files” option. Slide the button to the right to activate it.
  6. Decide which music folders you want Spotify to use. Click “Add a Source” if your music is in a different folder than the default one. Choose the folder where your music is stored.

Congratulations! You’ve completed the first step to add your own music to Spotify. Now you can move on to the next steps for an even better experience.

Step: 2

Pick the Best Software for You, There are many apps out there to make your music and sounds more fun. You don’t need to buy expensive stuff like Audio Mixture. Here are some good apps:

  1. Virtual Audio Cable and Soundboard
  2. MorphVox
  3. VoiceMeeter and Soundbar
  4. Soundpad
  5. Rust Soundboard

Now, we’ll talk about using VoiceMeeter to play Spotify in a special way. It’s like a virtual audio tool that mixes sounds and acts like a microphone. Many YouTubers use it. Let’s see how to use VoiceMeeter to make your audio experience even better.

Step: 3

Get Things Going, Now, let’s start setting things up by opening these important apps:

  1. Spotify
  2. VoiceMeeter
  3. App volume and device options

Here’s a cool tip: If you want to hear music through your mic while gaming, change the default microphone setting to your system sounds. Just go to Control Panel > Hardware & Sound > Manage Audio Devices > Recording. Choose the Stereo Mix option and set it as the default microphone.

Ready to go? Let’s make sure these apps are open and ready for an awesome audio experience!

Step: 4

Make Spotify Talk to VoiceMeeter, Tell Spotify to send its sound to VoiceMeeter. In the “App volume and device options” menu, change the settings for this. If you don’t, Spotify might play music through your headphones, which could be the reason it’s stopping. Fix any pausing issues with Spotify first, and then move on.

Step: 5

Pick Your HeadphonesIn VoiceMeeter, go to A1 and choose your headphones. Don’t mess with A2; that’s like a pretend microphone. Keep it as it is.

Now, you’ll hear Spotify through your headphones using VoiceMeeter Output 1 (A1). Remember, we made Spotify talk to VoiceMeeter in Step 3.,

To quiet down any extra sounds from VoiceMeeter, click the green >A in the VoiceMeeter Input section. The pretend microphone (VoiceMeeter Output 2, A2) keeps sending sounds as long as the orange >A is on, so others can hear it.

Step: 6

Bring in Your Microphone, In VoiceMeeter, click on 1st HARDWARE INPUT to pick your microphone. Play music through the microphone simultaneously. This step is important so you can talk through the microphone while enjoying Spotify tunes.

By doing this, you make sure you can chat and play music through the microphone.

To quiet the microphone, click the Circled >A and >B buttons under 1st HARDWARE INPUT. Turning off >A means you can’t hear yourself. If you turn off >B, others won’t hear you. If the letters on the screen confuse you, try adjusting some other things to find what works best.

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Step: 7

Make Sure Spotify Uses VoiceMeeter Output, This step is important, so be clear about it to avoid wondering if something went wrong earlier. If things don’t work right, you might start questioning what happened before.

Check if the software where you’re playing Spotify music is set to use VoiceMeeter Output as its Input Device. Normally, a program thinks of a microphone as its input. But, we’ve set up VoiceMeeter Output like a pretend microphone.

Here are three ways to make sure the application uses the pretend microphone instead of your real one:

  1. Sound Control Panel: In the recording tab, pick VoiceMeeter Output as both your Default Device and Default Communication Device. It’s simple but not always perfect because some apps can’t tell real from pretend microphones.
  2. App Settings: Change the settings in the application itself to use VoiceMeeter Output as the main input device. It’s easy but may not work for all apps.
  3. Windows 10 Voice Recorder: Open “App volume and device preferences” and Windows 10 Voice Recorder. In the Output tab, choose VoiceMeeter Output as the default. Use this method for testing, especially if the app uses VoiceMeeter Output as an input.

Make sure Spotify is set up to use VoiceMeeter Output, and you’re good to go!

Final Verdict

If you know how to play music through your microphone, you can enjoy your favorite songs while talking to friends or playing games without any interruptions. Sometimes, you might need to install a few extra apps with just a few clicks to finish setting everything up.

Some of these apps might cost money, but others have free versions. We recommend using the popular ones, but feel free to try different ones if you want. Also, make sure to fix any issues with Spotify, like it pausing a lot, before you start. It’ll save you from awkward moments!

We hope this guide helps you play Spotify through your microphone easily. Enjoy the music!

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