DNA Confirms Remains Found in 2022 Those of Brandon Lawson
Human remains found in February 2022 have been identified as belonging to Brandon Lawson, who went missing near Bronte, Texas back in 2013.
Brandon’s family posted the following message in 2022 after partial remains were found;
Recently, one of those advocates led a small search party in the vicinity of Brandon’s last known location. The search team came upon some clothing that were consistent with Brandon’s clothing. Authorities in local law enforcement were contacted and were able to take the evidence in for testing. The Texas Rangers conducted a search that ultimately led them to discover human remains in this same area. Although DNA tests are needed to confirm identification, it in our hearts that we know that it is Brandon.
The news that the remains were finally identified through DNA as Brandon was shared on the Help Find Brandon Lawson facebook page earlier this week, which is ran by his family.
The Disappearance of Brandon Lawson
On the night of August 8, 2013 Brandon Lawson got into an argument with his longtime girlfriend, Ladessa Lofton. Looking for some time to cool off, he called his father and told him he was coming over. He left in his truck to head off to his father’s house at approximately 11:55 pm.
About 45 minutes later Brandon called his brother, Kyle, stating that he had run out of gas on Highway 277 near Bronte, Texas. After the call Kyle and his girlfriend headed out to bring him a gas can.
Brandon then made a call to 911 at 12:50 am, stating he was stranded. “Yes, I’m in the middle of a field (inaudible) pushed some guys over, right here going toward Abilene, on both sides,” Lawson says, according to a transcript of the 911 call. “My truck ran out of gas, there’s one car here, the guy’s chasing (inaudible) to the woods, please hurry!”
When the 911 operator asked if he needed an ambulance Brandon replied no, he needed police to respond.
A Deputy arrived at Brandon’s truck around 1:10 am, after a 911 call reported Brandon’s F-150 obstructing traffic on U.S. 277 by being over the white line. Kyle and his girlfriend arrived at the same time, but there was no sign of Brandon.
The truck was located on U.S. 227, approximately four miles south of Bronte, Texas. The gas tank was empty, and there was no damage to the vehicle. His keys and cell phone were also missing.
While talking with the responding deputy, Kyle received another call from Brandon, telling him he was “ten minutes up the road,” and that he was bleeding; after that his phone went de*ad. His cell phone was going in an out during the call, making it hard to understand him.
Kyle, not aware of the 911 call Brandon had made at this point, assumed he may have been hiding due to an outstanding warrant he had, so didn’t mention it to the deputy.
According to reports the Deputy then drove up and down the road to see if he could spot Brandon, but found no signs of him. Kyle and his girlfriend left the gas can in the bed of the truck, so if Brandon came back he would be able to get gas.
Brandon hasn’t been seen or heard from since. His case remains unsolved.
There has been no activity on Lawson’s bank accounts or cell phone since the night he disappeared.
An extensive search around the area of where Brandon’s truck was located was done on October 24, 2013, but no signs of Lawson were found.
Investigator’s haven’t found evidence of foul play in Brandon’s disappearance, but his family states it’s uncharacteristic of him to leave without warning. He is classified as an involuntarily missing person. His case remains unsolved.
2022 Update
On February 4, 2022, it was announced that the presumed remains of Lawson had been found.