Unintentionally black drivers: many Germany tickets suddenly invalid | Life & knowledge

Some rail travelers in Germany are currently experiencing a nasty surprise. Despite a supposedly valid Germany ticket, you will be accused of illegal driving and have to pay a fine of 60 euros. The reason: A fraudulent online shop has sold fake tickets.

These tickets were valid for a short time, but were made invalid in the background without the buyers being informed, such as Heise reported. The QR code can no longer be scanned during controls and the ticket is worthless. This can not only be expensive, but also as a crime according to §265a StGB.

You should do that now

If you have a Germany ticket, you should urgently check where it was bought. If it is known from D-Ticket.su, previously known at dticket.com, the probability that it will be invalid is high. In this case, you should try to get the money back through the bank or credit card provider. Also block credit cards as a precaution if payment data has been specified on the fraudulent page.

A new ticket can be found in local transport companies, the online provider Mo.pla or acquire the Deutsche Bahn. There may be discounted offers about the employer. Anyone who is affected by the fraud should also file a complaint against the Routevibe Limited company, which is behind D-Ticket.su.

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